Sunday, October 14, 2018


Ode I.
Today, Queen favored by God, we your servants celebrate with longing and exult in your all-august protection, which Saint Andrew joyfully beheld in Blachernae.
All creation observes this merry day as it celebrates your divine protection, Virgin Mother, and we duly honor this day as one which ever protects us. 
The ends of the earth exultantly celebrate in the glory of your protection, Queen, because it shelters and protects all men from every distress and misfortune.
We know that you incomparably surpass the incorporeal ranks, O Queen, and that you preserve and protect the whole body of the faithful, for you are truly more spacious than the heavens. 

Ode 3.
Israel once went to the land of promise, sheltered by a pillar of fire by night and by a pillar of clouds by day, but beneath your all-august protection we the faithful pass over to Heaven, being completely protected.
The cloud of old truly foreshadowed your divine protection, for beneath your supreme power you protect us, your slaves, against the arrows of the enemy.
Long ago you dissolved the darkness of unbelief, pure Queen, having borne the light, the supremely good Christ, and now you protect under your divine protection all those who honor you with affection.
One of the Trinity was incarnate of you, Mother of God, and he saved man; and you protect us, your slaves, by your divine protection and preserve us from damnation.

Ode 4.   
Appear, O Virgin, and protect under your protection those who faithfully honor your great and wondrous deeds; and do not surrender your flock to destruction, but protect us all by your grace.
Open the door of mercy to everyone, O Queen, and shelter under your divine protection those who honor you.  Preserve from all kinds of dangers those who celebrate the memorial of your protection. 
All we the faithful know that you are our shelter; therefore, protect all who call on your all-holy name with faith, and deliver them from every affliction and from the fearful adversary. 
He who is seated inseparably in the bosom of his father is seated as an infant in your arms, Virgin, and you protect your flock perfectly under your divine protection, unharmed by adversities.

Ode 5.
The angels were astounded when you spread out the shelter of your divine veil in the all-sacred church of Blachernae, as the renowned Andrew said, and protected the faithful by granting them your grace. 
Because you are our shelter, Virgin, protect us who confess your protection and fall before your veil and kiss your august and divine icon, and preserve us from dangers. 
When your divine attendant Andrew saw your divine protection in your church during your all-sacred appearance, he revealed your awesome presence and divine visitation, for you protect your flock.
Shelter and defend us, immaculate Virgin. You are our guard and speedy champion against dangers and the attack of the nations, and you always protect us; wherefore we magnify your great care for us.
All-blameless Virgin, as our heavenly dwelling you shelter and guard your flock from all kinds of sufferings and afflictions, from the baneful calamity of earthquakes and from the sword of war, for you protect us beneath your protection.

Ode 6.
Spread the divine protection of your defense, all-hymned Virgin, and protect my defenseless and wretched soul, so that I may ever glorify your wondrous deeds.
All creation rejoices in the memorial of the august feast of your protection; and so it should, for by your intercessions you protect and preserve your slaves, all-pure Virgin.
The ranks of angels and the companies of mortals sing in praise of your divine protection; for you shelter all who celebrate with longing your august protection, all-immaculate Virgin.
Preserve your people and flock, O Queen, for we are in terrible danger from our transgressions, and with your divine protection shelter us now, as you have the power to do all things, O Mother of God.

Kontakion in Tone 8
Let us the faithful now approach the Mother of God and let her veil be drawn over us as we duly raise a hymn.  For she is a protection which protects and guards from all kinds of adversities all the faithful as they cry, Rejoice, protection full of light!

Ode 7.
Assemble, ye multitude of the faithful, and bring a hymn to the Mother of the Lord, celebrating the protection of her veil and crying out, "You are our protection and boast, O Mother of God!"
As the brilliantly bright palace of the king of all, Queen and Mother of God, you protect the multitude of the faithful under your divine protection; wherefore we cry, You are our protection and boast, O Mother of God.
You are the all-golden and heavenly jar bearing manna within, which is able to cause life; your veil is truly shown to be one with which you protect your slaves who faithfully hymn you.
As the shrine of the everlasting light and bright dwelling-place of the supremely divine Trinity, you protect under your protection your slaves, O Queen, and they cry, "You are our protection and boast, O Mother of God."

Ode 8.
Andrew, your faithful attendant, moved by the divine Spirit in your temple of Blachernae, saw you coming out of the altar in an awesome fashion, protecting under your protection all the faithful who hymn you, pure Virgin, unto the ages.
Your protection was raised to the greatest height, O Virgin favored by God, protecting your slaves who hymn you; wherefore we shout, "Protect us, for we your slaves hymn you with longing, O Maiden, and glorify you unto ages of ages."
As the brightest dwelling of the triple-sun God, protect your slaves with the splendor of your divine protection, sending forth the radiance of your illumination, protecting those who hymn and glorify you unto ages of ages.
Virgin Mother, you are the protection, defense, strength and refuge of those who call on you, for you protect and save from temptations and afflictions those who celebrate you; wherefore we gratefully hymn and glorify you, pure Virgin, unto the ages.

Ode 9.
Angels magnify in hymns the protection of the Mother of God, for she everywhere protects the choirs of the faithful.
Let every earth-born mortal leap who is held in the Spirit; and let the nature of immaterial minds celebrate the sacred feast of the Mother of God and shout, "Rejoice, all-blessed, pure and ever-virgin Mother of God!"
Angels magnify in hymns the protection of the Mother of God, for she everywhere protects the choirs of the faithful.
Let every earth-born mortal exult who is held in the Spirit, and let the bright assembly of all the faithful celebrate the sacred festival of the protection of the Mother of God, for she protects all pious Christians and guards them from every distress.
The angels seeing the protection of the Mother of God are amazed, how she protects and saves those who trust in her.
We honor your august protection, O Queen, which shines like the sun, and we say to you, "Rejoice, divine palace of the Most High!  Rejoice, animate cloud, protecting the noetic Israel and guide to the divine rest."
We angels and men honor your august protection, O Queen; for with it you protect all who hymn you faithfully.
Being our mighty protection, O Queen of all, you always protect all who call on your irresistible grace, for you, the cloud which dissolved error and which shone forth the light of truth, bore the sun of justice.
We angels and men magnify the protection of the all-pure Virgin; for she protects and saves all who honor her.
Who could describe the height of Heaven and the measureless depth of the earth?  And who could measure the breadth and extent of your protection, all-pure Virgin?  For it reaches above Heaven and protects all, saving them from the unquenchable fire by your grace.
Immaculate and virgin Mother of God, save your flock from death, protecting us from death with your protection and providing for us in all things.
With our whole soul let us hasten to assemble today, all ye who love Christ, on the common feast of the divine protection of the Mother of God, for thereby we are sheltered and protected, hymning its defense and celebrating her abundant grace.

I thank Zoilus for proofing the translation and I thank Aeteia, my lawfully-wedded, for proofing the English.  Any errors surviving their ministrations are purely my own.  This is the first of two canons to the Protection.  For the text, see
You protect under your divine protection (τ θείᾳ Σκπ σου σκπεις).  Our hymnographer was not shy about repeating himself.  Aeteia wonders at this repetition, but the verb and noun in question do not admit of very many useful meanings.  Also, this genre seems partial to figures of fullness.

Canon to St. George the Victorious (Bishop of Argyroupolis, Seraphim of Byzantium)

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