Tuesday, January 31, 2023



Ode I.

Irmos.  After crossing the sea as if it were dry ground and escaping the wickedness of Egypt, the Israelite cried out:  Let us sing to our redeemer and God.

Perpetua, holy lamb of the Creator, entreat him on behalf of all who celebrate you in song and honor your holy memory, for you are the adornment of the martyrs of Carthage.

Hearken to all the entreaties of your suppliants, O martyr, for they praise you as the fragrant alabaster vase of love and violet flower of faith, O chaste Perpetua.

Perpetua, as one who was clearly above the foul denial of Christ, render all who sing of your trials disdainful of the stench of the passions.

Generously furnish us, O Mother of God, the mercies and the multitude of the compassions of your son by the intercessions of Perpetua, for you are the blessed salvation of the world.



Irmos.  You covered the vault of the sky with a roof, O Lord, and built the church; confirm me in your love, O summit of desires, support of the faithful and only clement Lord.

Earnestly entreat Jesus, glorious Vibia Perpetua, admirable martyr, on behalf of us who run to your God-given favor amid our sufferings, trials and dangers.

Since you submitted to the attacks of wild animals and decapitation, O martyr Vibia Perpetua, you have been deemed worthy of heavenly renown and you have received

kind munificence to render the Most High merciful to all.

We the faithful duly and steadfastly celebrate you in song, Vibia Perpetua, as the all-venerable bride of the Creator, together with your revered and resolute Felicity, with whom render the Most High merciful to all.

O Queen and highly extolled Mother of the Deliverer, cease not to entreat your divine son, who is rich in mercy, on behalf of those who acclaim fervently the inconceivable sufferings of the martyr Perpetua.


Deem all your suppliants worthy of the heavenly glory which you unceasingly enjoy, Perpetua, O holy lamb yet brave martyr.

Perpetua, adornment of the steadfast martyrs and flower of Carthage, do not cease to entreat your bridegroom Christ, on behalf of all who honor your resolve to endure imprisonment, attacks of wild animals and the cutting of your august neck for the sake of the faith.


Ode IV

Irmos.  I have heard, O Lord, the mystery of your dispensation, I have meditated on your works and glorified your divinity.

Having put the ungodly to shame, Vibia Perpetua, by your resolute bearing in the face of beheading you received the grace to defend those who honor you.

Grant power, Vibia Perpetua, to those who honor you as the champion of Carthage, for you have received divine power from on high.

Pray, Perpetua, with Felicity, your august fellow-martyr, and Saturus, your teacher, for us who sincerely bless you.

O highly favored Mother of God, you are the cause of the joy of the world.  By your beneficent influence deliver from painful sufferings and afflictions those who run to you.

Shower the rain of divine grace on us, for we celebrate you, Perpetua, as a mother who preferred Christ to your own baby.


Ode V
Illumine us with your commandments, O Lord, and by your lofty arm grant us your peace, O merciful God.

With hymns and songs we magnify your readiness to suffer a cruel martyrdom and the beheading of your very fair head.

Celebrating your contest, Perpetua, with pleasing hymns, we await your fervent supplications to your heavenly bridegroom.

Send down to us the measureless mercy of your son, pure Virgin and Mother, for we magnify Perpetua’s heroic deeds.


Ode 6

Irmos.  I will pour out my supplication to the Lord and to him will I declare my afflictions, for my soul has been filled with troubles and my life has approached Hades, so like Jonah I pray:  Raise me up from death, O God.

Perpetua, you guided your feet on account of the faith to combat with beasts and beheading; having hallowed the stadium of Carthage, you received great grace to hallow those who magnify you.

O Perpetua!  As the exceedingly brilliant and foremost leader in the stadium, you disdained the deceptive Severus, and took pleasure in the contest for Christ, your bridegroom; entreat him earnestly on behalf of all who honor your contest.

Perpetua, excellent martyr and comfort of the faithful, the cries of your nursing baby rang in your ears when the animals began to tear asunder your soft flesh and the sword cut off your sacred head.

Hearken to the voices of your suppliants, O Mother of God and our Queen, and quickly restrain the uprisings of the flesh of those who acclaim the arena of the martyric contest of the august Perpetua, the comely bride of your divine son.


[Prayers between Odes 6 and 7.]

Deem all your suppliants worthy of unceasing heavenly glory, which you enjoy, O valiant Perpetua, as the august lamb and martyr of the Lord.


The crown of the noblest tribulations, Perpetua, was received from the hands of your heavenly bridegroom; send down his measureless mercy on us who affectionately celebrate your memory.

Vibia Perpetua of Carthage, living adornment of the martyrs, who proclaimed Christ the God-man, whom you especially loved with your whole heart, even more than your nursing baby: since you for his sake endured prison, tortures, attacks of beasts and the sword, to the point of martyrdom, send down the mercy of the Creator on all, beseeching him together with Felicity, who imitated zealously your struggles and with the other four, resolute, divine martyrs who struggled alongside you.



Irmos.  The youths from Judea, having come to Babylon of old, by their faith in the Trinity trampled down the flame of the furnace, chanting, O God of our fathers, blessed are you.

Excellent martyr, august Perpetua, the streams of your youthful blood dyed the robe of your soul in the middle of Carthage; Christ received your soul and by your prayers allots the prize to the faithful.

Do not cease to beseech the Savior Christ, Perpetua, with Felicity, Saturus, Saturninus and Revocatus the valiant, together with the renowned Secundus, on behalf of your suppliants.

Fragrant violet of Carthage, you sweeten all the faithful with your noble way of life and martyric sufferings, through which you have received munificent kindness to entreat Christ to be gracious to those who hymn you.

Compassionate Mother, by the intercessions of Perpetua, the ewe-lamb of your Son, cause the tumult of my passions and afflictions to cease by your all-powerful hand, for you are the Lady Mother of God, the Queen blessed by all.



Irmos.  The king of Heaven whom the hosts of angels hymn, hymn and exalt him above all forever.

Render all who hymn you to be partakers of the kingdom of heaven, martyr Perpetua, as you were the foremost struggler of the stadium.

Martyr Perpetua, we faithfully take refuge in your intercessions with the Creator of the world, hymning you as the august victor.

Having received the judgment of victory from God, bless, Perpetua, all who honor you as a victorious martyr.

Scatter the gloom of our sordid passions, for we faithfully hymn you, Virgin, full of grace, as our refuge of dispassion.


Ode IX

Irmos.  O Mother of God, we who have been saved through you fittingly confess you, and with the incorporeal choirs magnify you, O pure Virgin.

Having taken exceedingly reverently the road of martyrdom in Carthage, you have reached Heaven, to render the Most High merciful to us.

As we hymn your contest and beheading, we hasten, Perpetua, by your intercessions, to your very merciful Bridegroom, O brave one.

Fill our hearts with joy, who faithfully hymn you, blessed Perpetua, as a decorous victor and most excellent martyr.

With Perpetua, the bride of your all-good son, O Mother of God, entreat him on behalf of us who earnestly bless you.







Canon to one’s Guardian Angel


Lord Jesus Christ, my God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Deem me, your servant, O Savior, worthy to sing a hymn of praise to my unbodied angel, my guide and protector.

My holy guardian angel, pray for me.

I lie alone now on account of my folly and idleness; my guide and protector, do not let me perish.


Direct my mind through your prayer to fulfil the commandments of God, so that I may obtain from God the forgiveness of my sins, and teach me to hate evil.

Now.  Amen.

O Virgin, together with my guardian angel, pray for me, your slave, to the giver of good things; teach me to observe the commandments of your Son and my Creator.


All the thoughts of my mind I bring before you, my protector; deliver me from all the attacks of the enemy.

The enemy oppresses and embitters me and teaches me always to do his will; but you, my guide, do not forsake me, for I am perishing.

Grant me with gratitude and fervor to sing a song to my creator and God and also to you, my kind guardian angel; my liberator, rescue me from my enemies, who embitter me.

Heal, most pure Virgin, the many wounds of my heart; drive away the enemies who constantly fight against me.

Kathisma, Tone 2

With great affection I call to you, the protector of my soul, my all-holy angel:  Guard and protect me at all times from the snares of the evil one, and guide me to the heavenly life, giving me understanding, illumination and strength.  GNE.  Amen.

O all-pure Virgin and Mother of God, who without seed bore the Lord of all:  I entreat you, with my guardian angel, to deliver me from every affliction, to bring feeling and light to my soul and to cleanse me of my sins, for you are my only merciful intercessor. 


Entreat the merciful God, my protector, and abandon me not, but keep my life always in peace and grant me invincible salvation.

Since I have received you from God as the defender and protector of my whole life, my holy angel, free me from all my troubles.

Cleanse me of my defilement through your holiness, my protector, so that I may be delivered from the lot of those who stand on the left by your prayers and instead partake of heavenly glory.

Perplexity confronts me, purest Virgin, account of the evil which surrounds me.  Free me quickly from it, for I take refuge in you alone.


As you have boldness of speech before God, my holy protector, entreat him to free me from evil afflictions.

O radiant light, illumine my soul with your radiance, my angel, for you have been given to me by God as my guide and protector!

Keep me vigilant, O angel of God, though I have fallen into an evil sleep under the load of my sins, and raise me up through your prayer to praise God.

Mary, as you are our queen and the unwedded Mother of God and the hope of the faithful, utterly destroy the enemy’s pride and gladden those who sing to you.


Free me from every temptation and save me from every sorrow, I beg you, my holy angel, for you were given to me by God as my kind protector.

Illumine my mind, my kind angel, and enlighten me; I implore you, my holy angel, to teach me constantly to think on what is wholesome.

Free my heart of its present commotion and strengthen me to be vigilant in goodness, my protector, and guide me in a wonderful way to a quiet life.

The Word of God has dwelt in you, Mother of God, and showed you to men as a ladder to Heaven, for through you has the Most High come down to us.

Kontakion, Tone 4
Be merciful to me, holy angel of God, my protector.  In spite of my wickedness, do not depart from me, but illumine me through your incomprehensible light and make me worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.


y holy champion, grant my soul, which has been humiliated by many temptations, incomprehensible heavenly glory.  As a singer in God’s choir of bodiless powers, have mercy on me and protect me.  Illumine my soul with good thoughts, so that I may be enriched by your glory, my angel.  Subdue my enemies who wish me evil and make me worthy of the kingdom of Heaven.


Be merciful to me, O angel of the Lord, and entreat God for me, for I have you as my intercessor, guide and protector for my whole life, and you have been given to me by God forever.

Do not let my wretched soul be slain by robbers on the road of its journey—for it was entrusted to you as blameless by God—but guide it to the road of the repentance.

I offer you my soul, though it is disgraced by evil thoughts and deeds; but come and stand before me, my guide, and grant me healing through good thoughts, so that I may always stay on the right path.

For the sake of the Mother of God, fill with wisdom and divine strength, O incarnate Wisdom of the Most High, all who faithfully cry:  Blessed are you, O God of our fathers!


Kindest angel, sent by God, strengthen the life of your servant and never abandon me.

I chant your praises forever, O blessed one, for you are my good angel, the guide and protector of my soul.

Protect and defend me on the day of judgment of all men, when good and evil deeds will be tested by fire.

Be the help and calmness of your servant, O virgin Mother of God, and do not let me remain without your protection.


Lord Jesus Christ, my God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Have mercy on me, my only Savior, for you are gracious and compassionate, and make me a member of the choirs of the just.

My holy guardian angel, pray for me.

Grant me, O angel of the Lord, ever kind and wholesome thoughts and deeds, showing me to be blameless and strong despite my weakness.

As you possess boldness of speech with the heavenly King, ask him together with the other bodiless powers to have mercy on me, a miserable sinner.

Since you possess great liberty of speech with him who has taken flesh from you, deliver me from my shackles and grant me acquittal and salvation through your prayers.


SOURCE:  https://orthodoxia.de/de/.


NOTA BENE.  This canon is the one used in the tri-canon (a combination of the canon of repentance, the canons to the Mother of God and one’s guardian angel).  I have not been able to find the putatively Greek original, so settled for a German translation.  Our guardian angels are one of the most underrated features of our faith.  The usual Greek canon to the same is rather longer than this beautiful piece, which is perhaps one of the finest canons I have found.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

CANON TO ST. PORPHYRIOS ... by Dr. Haralambos Mbousia

Ode I.

Having crossed the sea.

Costless treasury of virtues and newly shining effulgence of divine humility, Porphyrios! Deem me worthy to avoid the terrible and boastful language of the Pharisee.

Recent radiance of the new way of life in Christ, disperse the moonless night of our passions by your prayers to Christ, the light-giving Lord.

Perfection of the pious fathers, blessed Porphyrios, as the guide of the multitude of the pious to the heavenly ways, make us also inhabitants of Heaven, O saint.

By all your prayers, cause drops of the mercy of God, the king of all, to fall from above on all who always honor you as a cloud of sympathy, Porphyrios.

Cleanse me of the slimy filthiness of the passions, highly favored Mother of God, so that though I, your suppliant, who have sustained great misfortunes may be clothed with a bright robe and a tunic of incorruption.

Ode III.
Of the apse of Heaven.

Scatter my unwholesome and unseemly thoughts by the light of your protection, Father Porphyrios, and safeguard the five windows of my mind, lest the crafty enemy defile me.

As a lamp of compassion that shines with uncommon splendor, O saint, you have recently illuminated the world, which takes refuge in you and seeks your supplications to God, most godlike ascetic Porphyrios.

You are the unshakable support of your powerless suppliants, blessed Porphyrios, and as the refuge of those who suffer grievously, do not disregard the prayers of us who await your divine help.

Graciously accept the entreaties of your suppliants, O Queen, and bring them to your divine son, pure Mother of God, blessed Mary, for you are the fervent mediator and intercessor for the world.

Preserve from dangers those who hasten with longing to your intercessions, for you are the perfect example of clairvoyance and mirror of the gifts of God.

Tone 2.  Fervent mediation.
Glorifying you, Christ our God has appointed you to be an ever-flowing spring of miracles, from which we draw for ourselves abundantly streams of healings, crying out, Rejoice, ascetic, newly built fortress for all men.

Ode IV. 
I have heard, O Lord.

As a star of insight, shining forth in the last times, Porphyrios, enlighten my soul to seek only the merciful God.

Ascetic of God, you are the image of watchfulness, peace of soul and humility; O Porphyrios, deem me worthy of being spiritually vigilant, for I seek your protection.

Bring peace to me, for I am attacked by the gloomy passions and I honor you as the slayer of the deceitful enemy, holy Porphyrius.

Disperse the gloomy pain which torments me, my Queen; by the intercessions of the divinely wise Porphyrius illumine me with the effulgence of joy.

Ode V. 
Illumine us. 

O wise Porphyrios, deem me worthy to lead a quiet life, and undisturbed, I cry, by every attack of the destroyer.

As a pillar of virtue, you recently appeared, O blessed one; support our struggles for the acquisition of virtue, inspired Porphyrios.

Cause a heavy rain of gifts of the Holy Spirit from Heaven to fall on me and refresh my soul, for it is feverish from my transgressions, Porphyrios.

O Mother of God, you are the joy of the new ascetic, Porphyrios; deem us worthy to keep the commandments of your Son and our God, for we seek your protection.

Ode 6.
My supplication.

Honoring your all-holy memory with mystical songs, we cry out, Helper of the distressed and very swift deliverer and physician of the demoniacs:  Deliver me from the passions which afflict me terribly, Porphyrios.

Visit those who call on you and ask for your divine intercession, and give to us strength to wound the deceiver with deeds of love and faith, Porphyrios, for you destroyed the insolence of the author of evils with the sword of prayer.
Porphyrios, fresh-flowing river of wonders, drench our arid hearts, O wonderworker, with the drops of your intercessions with the Lord, so that we may all joyfully magnify your grace.

Guide your servants to the pastures of gladness and joy everlasting by the fervent supplications of Porphyrios, pure Mother of God and our guide, so that we may magnify you splendidly with honey-sweet hymns forever.

Preserve from dangers those who hasten with longing to your intercessions, image of clairvoyance and mirror of the graces of God.

Let us honor Porphyrios the new, a living treasury of humility and a teacher of God-beloved virtue, as the bright, newly-appearing luminary of miracles and ask for his supplications.

Tone 6. Laying all hope.
Renowned blossom of Evia, the island abounding in saints, sweet flower of Attica and boast of Athos, Father Porphyrios!  With the sweet-smelling ointments of miracles, you have anointed the ends of the earth and you have gladdened all men with the fragrance of your words; wherefore we, the faithful, gather now to seek your intercessions and cry out, Deliver us from the attacks of the enemy, from illnesses, from afflictions and from all kinds of distresses.

Ode VII. 
The youths from Judea.

Inasmuch as you, all-blessed Porphyrios, are the dean of virtue, by the power of your fervent intercessions, O saint, completely dry up the stream of my sins, for they, alas, overflow the furrows of my soul.

O Father, from malice, dangers, all kinds of griefs, suffering and misfortunes, preserve us unharmed, divine Porphyrios, for we take refuge in you, O icon of poverty and dispassion, O saint.

Make your suppliants disdainful of earthly things, renowned Porphyrios, just as you were disdainful of all corruptible things, for you received the grace to foretell things to come and to know the secrets of men’s souls.

With the hyssop of your prayers, O Lady full of divine grace and Mother of God, wash away the filth of my soul and give me forgiveness of sins by your supplications, so that I may serve Christ your son purely and sincerely.

Ode VIII. 
The King.

After you put on the robe of the priesthood and began to imitate the life of the angels, you received the grace to protect us from above.

We have all come to know you as a physician of diseases, wherefore in faith, Porphyrios, we hurry in haste to your fervent intercessions with Christ.

You have become in these last days a strong-flowing stream of miracles and a divine fountain of healings, divine Porphyrios.

Be our shelter amid the storm-surges and squalls of life, O Mother of God, for you are our most unerring pilot.

Ode IX. 
Fittingly, O Mother of God.

You have come to light as a living treasury of healings even after your death, O inspired Porphyrios, and a protection against all kinds of diseases.

You reposed in a holy manner, father, and you purify unceasingly those who hymn the struggles of your life.

By your supplications, relieve the pains of body and diseases of the soul, for you are the summit of unmercenary physicians, Porphyrios.

Shed your favor on those who hymn you as the beautiful temple of Christ our master and as the glory of Porphyrios the new.

SOURCE:  https://www.hristospanagia.gr/%CF%80%CE%B1%CF%81%CE%B1%CE%BA%CE%BB%CE%B7%CF%84%CE%B9%CE%BA%CF%8C%CF%82-%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%BD%CF%8E%CE%BD-%CE%B5%E1%BC%B0%CF%82-%CF%84%CF%8C%CE%BD-%E1%BC%85%CE%B3%CE%B9%CE%BF-%CF%80%CE%BF%CF%81%CF%86/

Canon to St. George the Victorious (Bishop of Argyroupolis, Seraphim of Byzantium)

    Ode I. Irmos.  After crossing the sea as if it were dry ground and escaping the wickedness of Egypt, the Israelite cried out:  Let u...