Friday, May 10, 2019


Irmos:  Traversing the deep.
O George, newly-shining star of the church of Christ and builder of the monastery of Assumption in Drama:  from Heaven watch over those who reverently honor you.
Wondrous George, bless those who hymn you as a luminary among the newly revealed saints, shining on the world with rays of asceticism and watchfulness. 
Through your prayers adorn our hearts with a multitude of
virtues, for we strive after them amid the calamities and soul-killing misfortunes of life, O George.
Quickly wipe away the drops of my many tears with the handkerchief of your prayers to the Lord, the only-begotten Son and Word of God, O Mother and Virgin.

Irmos:  Of the apse of Heaven.
Having cultivated opulently the ear of the corn of virtue, with intensity of struggles, father, with your hardy training and your ever-flowing prayer you found grace, O George, so that you could send the fruit of your grace to those who seek your protection.
The reliquary of your honorable relics, saint, is a torrent of healings, which now the earth has revealed to us, temperate God-bearer, ascetic George, blossom of Pontus.
You lived your life peaceably with your abundant grace,
thrice-blessed one, having confessed Christ the prince of peace, and having endured for his sake imprisonment and torture, Father George.

Higher than the heavens is the mind of your servants, Full of Grace and Mother of the Lord.  Deify those who splendidly hymn the virtues of George, the leader and champion of Drama.

Prayers read after Canon III
Sanctify the choirs of the faithful who duly honor you as an easily cultivated field of watchfulness, endless prayer and detachment.
Look with kindness, all-hymned Mother of God, upon the difficult affliction of my body and heal the pain of my soul.

Tone 2.  With fervent intercession.
Storehouse of the august fathers of the faith, unerring pilot of souls and new tower of understanding:  fervently entreat the clement Christ on behalf of us, O George.

Irmos:  I have hearkened, Lord.
Treasury of temperance and bright palace of holiness, deem us who call upon you worthy to exercise temperance, O George.
Show us all to be strong to wage war against the destroyer, for you destroyed his crafty tricks by your ascetic feats, George.
Never cease to entreat the compassionate Lord, George, on behalf of us all who hymn you as the boast of the new saints.
From the height of your glory guard closely those who hymn you and protect and guard your suppliants, Mother of God.

Irmos:  Illumine us.
With radiant hymns we honor your relics and we revere your tomb, which gushes with grace in the Monastery of the Ascension, George.
Disperse the mist of pain and the dense darkness of afflictions by the rays of your prayers, revered George, for you are the beacon of the new ascetics.
Saint of Christ, O George full of wonders, restrain the attacks of our sordid passions, for we ardently chant to you.
Lead us to the pastures of Heaven, for we run to your visitation and intercession, bright Mother of God.

Irmos:  Intercession.
Hearken to your fervent suppliants, George, and grant your grace to each of those who greet the all-august casket containing your relics in the Monastery of the Ascension, which you raised from its foundations.
You were a generous spring of healings in life and after death, heavenly-wise one.  You were the physician of souls and bodies of the sick of Drama, O George, as you are of those who hasten piously from everywhere to your divine grace.
The reliquary of your bones has been revealed to be a wholly fragrant receptacle of wonders and a spring of sanctification for those who approach it with longing and compunction of soul, O beauty of saints and universally admired boast of the Pontians.
Remember those who bless you, Mother of God, unto the ages, and who celebrate the memorial of Saint George, the physician of Drama and the speedy defender and helper of the Monastery of the Ascension.

Prayers following Ode VI
Sanctify the choirs of the faithful who honor you duly as an easily cultivated field of watchfulness of unceasing prayer and detachment, O George.

Kontakion in Tone 2.  By those of your blood.
Divine blossom of Argyroupolis and august inhabitant of Georgia, who practiced asceticism in Drama like an incorporeal angel and consecrated the Monastery of the Ascension:  be our guardian, O George.
Holy and greatly honored ascetic of the all-powerful Paraclete, George, who in years, words and deeds shone forth in the last times like an ever-shining star and by the flashings of your ascetic struggles have illumined the souls of your suppliants:  chase far away the darkness of our passions, luminous builder of the Monastery of the Ascension, for you heal everyone who honors you.

Irmos:  The youths from Judea.
Merciful ascetic, model of sacrifice for those in need, O George, horn of love and sympathy, deem your suppliants worthy to understand the needs of the poor and needy.
Treasury of temperance and abyss of understanding, august George, you endured many tortures in Georgia for the love of your creator, with whom also intercede fervently on behalf of your suppliants.
You were the steady guide of the erring and the director of the faithful to theosis and you led people to salvation, for whom earnestly and zealously entreat the Lord now, all-blessed George.

Show your suppliants to be disdainful of material things, Mother of God, and zealots for those things which do not change, just as the divine George strove, the wise ascetic of Taxiarches of Drama. 

Irmos:  The King.
With streams of sweat and ever-flowing tears you washed the robe of your soul; wash also my sordid heart, George. 
Quickly drive away painful diseases of your suppliants, swift doctor of the ailing, for they take refuge in you, O George, amid their diseases.
O shrine of graces of the Comforter, who knows the depths of hearts:  cleanse me of the filthy dunghill of my passions, George, I cry out to you.
Show me your heavenly visitation, Mother of God, for I hymn you as the guide of all the faithful to Heaven.

Irmos:  Fittingly the Mother of God.
A perfumed vase of wonders is the grace-filled receptacle of your relics, George, which we reverently venerate, blessing you.
With unceasing prayers watch over your suppliants, whom from Heaven you ever protect, wonder-working lantern of saints, George.
Sanctified temple of virtue, of fasting, hardship, prayer and kindness:  entreat Christ on our behalf, O George.
Fill our hearts with joy, O Mother of God, for we now honor the contests of George and whole-heartedly bless you, O Virgin.

Canon to St. Gerasimos the New of Cephalonia

ODE I.  Plagal 4th.
Having crossed the sea.
Saint of God, pray for us.
Thrice blessed Gerasimos, do not cease offering intercession zealously to the Savior; rescue from all kinds of dangers those who honor you with undoubting faith.
Saint of God, pray for us.
Your divine reliquary, Father, gushes forth healings of body and soul for the faithful who approach your temple, whom you heal as the best physician of all.
Heal my ailing soul, blessed Gerasimos, O physician of the sick, and strengthen it to walk the paths of the Lord by your mediation, all-blessed saint. 
Together with Gerasimos, O Virgin, entreat your Son, that my dead soul be brought back to life, for He of old revived the son of the widow by his divine command.

Of the vault of Heaven.
Saint of God, pray for us.
Having you as our patron before God, O glorious one, we Cephalonians honor and pray, Father Gerasimos:  deliver from temptations those who faithfully bless you.
Saint of God, pray for us.
We beseech you, Father:  quickly heal the passions and wounds of the souls of those who bless and honor you with longing, O boast of monastics, blessed Gerasimos.
Father, we all appoint you as our kindly patron before God, O saint, earnestly entreating you, divine Gerasimos, that we all be saved by your mediation from all kinds of trials and temptations.
All holy Virgin, who has given birth to the Savior, save from all kinds of dangers those who run to you and praise you, Mary, the Mother of God, sole all-hymned salvation of the faithful.
O Gerasimos, from all dangers save your island and flock, of which at God’s behest you have become the protection, the sleepless guard and deliverer.
All-hymned Mother of God, look graciously upon the difficult distress of my body and heal the suffering of my soul.

Tone 2.  Seeking those things above.
You are the fervent defence, O Gerasimos, of those who approach your temple with longing and faithfully honor you and cry out, all-august one: Deliver us from all dangers, as you are our great guard and champion.

I cried out, O Lord.
Saint of God, pray for us.
O holy Gerasimos, deliver from dangers those who honor you and run to your protection, so that we may bless you unceasingly.
Saint of God, pray for us.
We beseech you, O saint, to bring our dead soul back to life, and by your prayers raise it up from the abyss of despair, where it fell dying.
Earnestly entreat him for whom you longed, O saint, and through whom you reduced your flesh, to grant to us who hymn you the forgiveness of our trespasses.
By the prayers of your Mother, and of your saint, O Lord, grant us, your slaves, the forgiveness of our trespasses, O transcendently good God.

Why have you driven me away.
Saint of God, pray for us.
O God, by the all-acceptable prayers of the divine Gerasimos, deliver your slaves from the outer darkness and Gehenna, and make us worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, for you alone are long-suffering.
Saint of God, pray for us. 
Standing before the Trinity, Father all-blessed, divine Gerasimos, earnestly entreat God that your slaves who run to your protection with faith, O blessed one, be delivered from all the trials and temptations of life.
Performing the liturgy, you offered to God, O wholly blessed saint, bloodless sacrifices, being a priest of the Most High, O all-honorable Gerasimos; but, Father, in your entreaties do not cease to pray for all who honor you with faith.
O Virgin Mother of God, all-spotless boast and support of the faithful, the God-bearer and queen of all creation, deliver those who hymn your Son from every attack of the terrible enemy.

O Savior, be gracious to me.
Saint of God, pray for us.
Your all-blessed soul dwells in Heaven, while your body, remaining on Earth, produces marvellous miracles, healing diseases of soul and body.
Saint of God, pray for us.
By your acceptable prayers, O blessed Gerasimos, protect those who with the pure longing of the soul and purity honor you, O glorious one, and who call upon your unconquerable defence.
We appoint you as our kindly mediator with God, Father Gerasimos; for you are our support and boast, O saint, and the glory of us faithful Christians, O wholly august father.
All-blameless Virgin, the burning bush prefigured you to Moses; for from you the Savior was well-pleased to be born.  Preserve, immaculate one, those who call upon your insuperable help.

O Gerasimos, from all dangers save your island and flock, of which at God’s behest you have become the protection, the sleepless guard and deliverer.
Immaculate one, who through a word gave birth beyond comprehension to the Word in the last days, entreat him earnestly since you have maternal boldness.

Tone 2.  Protection of Christians.
Longing to regain our strength from disease, let us run to the venerable temple of Gerasimos and draw near reverently to his divine reliquary.  With longing let us cry to him, as one who has received the grace from God to heal the sick:  Hasten to deliver from all kinds of trials and temptations and from bitterest enemies those who in faith hymn you.

The youths from Judea.
Saint of God, pray for us.
Being truly the equal of the angels, Father thrice blessed, Godly-minded Gerasimos, redeem from dangers those who in faith cry out, O God of our fathers, blessed are you.
Saint of God, pray for us.
You presented yourself to the Lord, Father, as an acceptable sacrifice, Godly-minded Gerasimos, and now do not cease to watch over those who sing, O God of our fathers, blessed are you.
Father Gerasimos, you endured unspeakable agonies on Earth, and now that you are with the heavenly choirs, protect those who sing, O God of our fathers, blessed are you.
All-hymned Virgin, who bore God incarnate for the world, deliver from all kinds of pain those who cry out to your Son in faith, O God of our fathers, blessed are you.

Saint of God, pray for us.
By your intercession, you heal the sicknesses of souls of those who honor you, thrice blessed one, wherefore we honor you, Gerasimos the Godly-minded.
Saint of God, pray for us.
Having appointed you as our ambassador to the Master, O blessed one, we are delivered from dangers by your wholly acceptable prayers to God.
Purge away the passions of my soul by your mediation, O holy and thrice-blessed one, so that I may glorify you unto all ages.
Refresh my soul with your mediation—for it has melted away because of its sins—O Maiden, so that I may glorify you unto all ages. 

Fitly the Mother of God.
Saint of God, pray for us.
Holy, thrice blessed saint, pray that peace from Heaven be sent down, wholly blessed one, upon those who bless you with pure understanding.
Saint of God, pray for us.
O Godly-minded one, fill with joy and gladness those who approach your divine temple and who forever magnify the Master.
Illumine the eyes of my blinded soul, O blessed one, and strengthen those who bless you to run in accordance with the divine paths.
We all honor you, true Mother of God, and we cry out to you, "Rejoice ceaselessly, for you bore great joy for the world."

SOURCE Agios Gerasimos O Neos, Askhths, ths Kefalonia:  Bios kai Paraklhtikos Kanwn (Ekdotikh Paragwgh

Friday, May 3, 2019


Ode I.  
Irmos.  After crossing the sea as if it were dry ground and escaping the wickedness of Egypt, the Israelite cried out:  Let us sing to our redeemer and God.

Furnishing deep calmness and joy and generous grace in the monastery of Philotheou, your all-venerable icon of the sweetly affectionate Mother of God came from the east, pure Virgin.

When it was miraculously brought into the harbor of the monastery of Philotheou, your holy icon of the sweetly affectionate Mother of God became the harbor of salvation for those who run to it.

Under your guidance your icon wondrously sailed the sea, unwashed by the waves, and, sweetly affectionate Mother of God, when it approached, it caused streams of divine life to gush forth in Athos.

Redeem from all kinds of dangers those who with firm faith cry out your great name and heal their grievous passions by your grace, sweetly affectionate Mother of God. 


Ode III.  

Irmos.  You covered the vault of the sky with a roof, O Lord, and built the church; confirm me in your love, O summit of desires, support of the faithful and only compassionate Lord.

Tenderly kissing him as your own baby and being fitly called the sweetly kissing, pure Virgin, supplicate him as a most sympathetic mother to give our souls grace and mercy.

Your form reveals awe-inspiring things to those who see it, scorching with flames the troops of demons and dispensing to all divine light, pure Virgin; wherefore by your patronage the divine monastery of Philotheou is gladdened.

Sympathetically behold from above, O Maiden, those who stand before your icon with great reverence, and since you are compassionate, give them, sweetly affectionate Mother of God, truly beneficial gifts.

The monastery of Philotheou always receives superior assistance, preservation amid misfortunes and deliverance from every need by your protection, sweetly affectionate Mother of God; wherefore, the monastery sings thanksgiving praises to you.

Tone II.  Fervent Protection.
Enjoying your intercession as a great refuge and a solid protection and support in every situation, we cry out to you:  Always rescue us from all the madness and mischief of the accursed one, pure and sweetly affectionate Mother of God.


Ode IV.  

Irmos.  I have heard, O Lord, the mystery of your dispensation; I have meditated on your works and glorified your divinity.

Mount Athos always proclaims your wonders, Maiden, for you have been its helper and defender, O sweetly affectionate Mother of God.

Divine water gushed from where your icon first was placed, by which sanctify and heal, O sweetly affectionate Mother of God, those who hymn you.

As once you showed your remarkable favor to Joannicius, so always show it to this monastery of yours, immaculate Virgin.

Your all-venerable icon, pouring out healings in floods, dries up the filth of the passions, O sweetly affectionate and ever-virgin Mother of God.


Ode V. 

Irmos.  Illumine us with your commandments, O Lord, and by your lofty arm grant us your peace, O merciful God.

Open your mother’s mouth, with which you kissed Christ when he was a child, Maiden, and speak to him beneficially on our behalf, for we glorify you.

Show this monastery—and with it all of your mountain—your venerable sanctity and shelter it always beneath your protection, Mother of God.

He who fell from the third storey and was saved miraculously by your grace praised your wonders with a mighty voice, Mother of God.

Our understanding does not suffice to declare your miracles—how you appeared as a nun to save from certain death, pure Virgin, him who fell.


Ode VI.  

Irmos.  I will pour out my supplication to the Lord and to him will I declare my afflictions, for my soul has been filled with troubles and my life has approached Hades, so like Jonah I pray:  Raise me up from death, O God.

Your holy image is a free table of manifold graces, in which you are seen kissing the Creator of the ages and the Lord as an infant; therefore the assembly of Philotheou Monastery rejoices in you.

Because the sailors called on you, their boat was preserved from being swamped by the roughness of the sea, and those who were saved praised in song the great wonder of their true deliverance. 

When a man approached you and spoke from the great pain of his heart, you hearkened to him and gave him a son, O Virgin, ending the barrenness of his wife on account of their spiritual fruits, which deem even us worthy to produce.

By your divine overshadowing, your holy icon, the sweetly affectionate Mother of God of the Monastery of Philotheou, gushes forth healings.  It is our conspicuous and august joy and always heals the afflictions of our souls and bodies.


Selections of prayers after Ode VI
Preserve the Monastery of Philotheou, sweetly affectionate Mother of God, from all need, for it fervently keeps your icon as its fortress and protection.

The kontakion.  Tone 2.  Protection of Christians.
As she who hugs the Lord of all and is called sweetly affectionate, O all-immaculate Virgin, in your sympathy do not cease to protect and guard this, your venerable monastery, and those who fall down faithfully before your holy icon from all the madness of their enemies and from pain and despondency, as a true protection of your inheritance, all-blameless Mother of God.

Plagal Tone 2.  Having put all my hope.

From the east your monastery, Lady, has received heavenly bliss and great propitiation—your icon—for it pours forth mystically the gifts of your protection on each, saving from dangers and distributing grace and mercy to those who call upon your august name faithfully; wherefore we cry to you, pure and sweetly affectionate Mary, preserve this monastery and the whole mountain.


Ode VII.  

Irmos.  The youths from Judea, having come to Babylon of old, by their faith in the Trinity trampled down the flame of the furnace, chanting, O God of our fathers, blessed are you.

As of old you saved from all kinds of diseases and from the attack of robbers your faithful suppliant, O pure and sweetly affectionate Mother of God, so save those who always and faithfully approach your divine icon.

Supernaturally, O Virgin, the divine grace of your divine icon operates on each of us, O pure and sweetly affectionate Virgin, and delivers those who call on you from afflictions and harsh difficulties.

The glorified monastery of Philotheou rejoices in your icon, for from it they enjoy an abundance of blessings and a spring of every grace and they glorify you joyously, pure and sweetly affectionate Virgin.

As you preserve your servants on Earth and on the stormy sea, do not cease, Mother of God, to deliver us your suppliants from dangers and distresses to come, sweetly affectionate Maiden.


Ode VIII.  

Irmos.  The king of Heaven whom the hosts of angels hymn, hymn and exalt him above all forever.

Let us who suffer in various ways now fall before the all-holy icon of the sweetly affectionate Mother of God, that we may be delivered from oppressive dangers.

When your holy icon reached us after traversing the sea from the east, O Lady, it began to gush with heavenly graces.

Everyone who runs to your august icon and proclaims your grace, sweetly affectionate Maiden, receives both strength and health.

Pure Virgin, accept the monastic fathers who train themselves in virtue in the Monastery of Philotheou and with them entreat God on our behalf, O Maiden.


Ode IX.  

Irmos.  O Mother of God, we who have been saved through you fittingly confess you, and with the incorporeal choirs magnify you, O pure Virgin.

The flock of Philotheou has acquired a salvific harbor—your divine and sweetly affectionate icon, and we always hasten to it.

Behold!  We your unworthy children, O sweetly affectionate Maiden, fall down before your icon as before you yourself, our mother, seeking your protection.

O Monastery of Philotheou, rejoice and exult, for you have the icon of the sweetly affectionate Virgin, which dispenses gifts to you in her maternal kindness.

Accept this intercession made on our behalf which the holy monastic fathers in this monastery bring to your Son, sweetly affectionate Mother of God.

We ought incessantly to hymn, O Maiden, the greatness of your favors to us, but in our perplexity we always fall before you in silence.



Source:  This source does not identify the author, but elsewhere the ever-estimable St. Gerasimos of Little Anne Skete is named.  A visit to John Sanidopoulos' site to read up on this icon is worth it. 


Canon to St. George the Victorious (Bishop of Argyroupolis, Seraphim of Byzantium)

    Ode I. Irmos.  After crossing the sea as if it were dry ground and escaping the wickedness of Egypt, the Israelite cried out:  Let u...