Sunday, March 26, 2023



1.  For some background reading on canons go here.

2.  One way to say canons is provided by Fr. John Whiteford hereI personally prefer to keep things cheap.  If I am pushed for time, I will say the canon with no more preamble than “Through the prayers etc.”  If you are not sure, check with your priest.  The advice of your parish priest is worth ten retreats, fifty pious books and ten thousand spiritual websites. 

3.  Most canons have eight odes--the second ode is practically limited to the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete.  Most odes have one irmos, three troparia and one theotokion. 

4.  The Greeks traditionally drop the irmos; they use the opening words as a musical cue.  If you follow Greek usage, the first refrain is said before the first troparion. 

5.  If you say the irmos according to Slavic usage, the first refrain is said after the irmos and before the first troparion.

6.  For the canons on this website, you can use “Most Holy Theotokos, save us” as the refrain for the canons to the Mother of God and “Saint of God, pray for us” or “Saint of God, [name of saint], pray for us.”  If you are interested, you may visit this website for the complete list of all refrains as used in liturgical contexts.  The canons on this website are not done with a view towards liturgical usage—this website would look very different if they were—but private usage.  If you are not sure of which refrain to use, ask your priest.

7.  After the first troparion comes the same refrain.

8.  After the second troparion comes “Glory to the Father etc.”

9.  After the third troparion comes “Now and ever etc.”

10.  Ordinarily one does not use the katavasia in private practice.  If you don't know what a katavasia is, relax.  Don't ask your priest about it if he looks busy.

11.  Here is an example of how it is done.

Ode I.

Irmos.  After crossing the sea as if it were dry ground and escaping the wickedness of Egypt, the Israelite cried out:  Let us sing to our redeemer and God.

          Saint of God, pray for us.

By the power of the Spirit, O Daniel, you were anointed as a prophet and an instructor of things to come.  By your intercessions enlighten me, so that I may hymn your contest.

          Saint of God, pray for us.

O Daniel, treasure of chastity, beseech the Word to deliver us from temptations, for we honor you in faith, O blessed one, and meditate upon your ordeals.

          Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Daniel, model of fasting, fortify us all for spiritual exercises and the keeping of the divine commandments, so that we may gain the fatherland above.

          Now and ever and unto the ages of ages.  Amen.

O Mother of God, give me the strength to hymn my Savior, Jesus, in a manner pleasing to God, for beyond expectation you bore him who redeems mortals from corruption.

12.  If you get an ode with four troparia and one theotokion, say the refrain a third time.

13.  If you get an ode with two troparia and one theotokion, say “Glory to the Father etc.” after the first troparion.

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Canon to St. George the Victorious (Bishop of Argyroupolis, Seraphim of Byzantium)

    Ode I. Irmos.  After crossing the sea as if it were dry ground and escaping the wickedness of Egypt, the Israelite cried out:  Let u...