Friday, April 28, 2023

Supplicatory Canon to the Lady, Queen and our Merciful Mother of God ... A poem by Hieromonk Athanasius of Simonopetra


Ode 1.

Irmos.  After crossing the sea as if it were dry ground and escaping the wickedness of Egypt, the Israelite cried out:  Let us sing to our redeemer and God.

Pure Virgin, as you have borne the God of mercy, entreat him on behalf of all who reverently honor your divine icon, which pours out streams of healings.

We have obtained your august icon as a harbor, O kind Virgin, amid dangers and trials, knowing how it always gushes forth everlasting streams of divine mercy.

Have mercy on all who reverently venerate your image, merciful Mother of God, and give to each what is profitable for the attainment of the salvation of our souls.

Your icon has been given to us as a heavenly gift, merciful Virgin, for therein your favor began to dwell, which you distribute to those who affectionately honor you.

Ode 3

Irmos.  O Lord, who covered the vault of the sky with a roof and built the church:  confirm me in your love, O summit of desires, support of the faithful and only merciful one.

Raise your hands to God, all-holy Virgin, and beseech him on behalf of us who venerate you, for even if we err, nevertheless we have in you our hope of correction.

Bring an end to the intrigues of our enemy, O merciful Virgin, and give your unshakable peace to our souls, so that we may glorify your invincible favor, which the Lord gave to you, his mother.

By your supplications heal the sick who lie abed and suffer from diseases, venerable and merciful Virgin, so that we may always offer to you grateful thanksgiving from our hearts as to our benefactress.

Merciful Virgin, make all those who ask unceasingly for your help be victorious over their passions; we need your help, because the weight of habit, which has become a second nature, hangs over us.

Protect from the harmful dangers of the adversary those who run to your holy icon in faith and give them your maternal favor, merciful Virgin.

Prayer between Odes 3 and 4 

Tone 2.  Fervent supplication.
Having borne the Lord, the fountain of mercy, you also supply gifts of mercy, all-holy and merciful Mother of God, to those who honor your sacred icon, and you are the indestructible protection, all-holy Mother of God, of your monastery.


Ode 4

Irmos.  I have heard, O Lord, the mystery of your dispensation.  I have meditated on your works and glorified your divinity.

O merciful Mother, whenever clouds darken the souls of your children and bring in problems, give us the sunshine of your love.

O merciful physician, appear to us who languish amid diseases of soul and body, and furnish unshakable strength to those who honor you.

Make us, who have been exiled by our offences, return again to the love of your divine Son, and preserve us ever unfallen.

O merciful Mother of God, from nowhere else do we hope for any help than yours amid our dangers and afflictions, which the outward pomp and circumstances of life beget. 


Ode 5

Irmos.  Illumine us with your commandments, O Lord, and by your lofty arm grant us your peace, O merciful God.

Make my mind a holy temple, merciful Virgin, where the abiding name of the Lord Jesus will hallow all my nature.

O merciful Mother of God, by your holy prayers deem those who honor your icon to be worthy of the glory of God, which the saints enjoy.

Remain with us, merciful Virgin, in the afflictions and unexpected misfortunes of life, bestowing on us the hope of your love.

In order that we may ever magnify you, merciful Mother of God, crush the arrows of the destroyer who from of old has waged war against us with temptations.


Ode 6

Irmos.  I will pour out my supplication to the Lord and to him will I declare my afflictions, for my soul has been filled with troubles and my life has approached Hades, so like Jonah I pray:  Raise me up from death, O God.

Guard our youth from wars, merciful and all-immaculate Maiden; mysteriously spread your protection over them, give them your invincible protection in the hour of trials, and cause those temptations to disappear quickly like clouds.

Have mercy on us all, merciful Master, by the intercessions of your merciful mother, for we have been baptized into you and are rich with your all-honorable calling; even if we always fall, we entreat your great mercy.

We pain you daily, merciful Lord, by our many sins; nevertheless, in our defense we bring forward as our advocate the merciful and immaculate Queen, trusting that she is mightily influential with you as your mother.

O merciful Virgin, we have found a sure refuge in your holy icon, from which an abundance of favors is ever conveyed to those who venerate you and ever seek in faith the granting of many requests.

Prayers after Ode 6

Heaven and Earth are full of the mercy of the Lord, merciful Virgin, from whose pure womb was born the merciful God; therefore, do not cease to fervently seek out the fulfillment of the requests of all who venerate your divine icon, Mother, and to deem them worthy to partake of the divine favor of the saints.

Merciful Lord, by the fervent supplications of your merciful mother, open the door of your mercy to all who faithfully fall before her icon.  Cure every disease of soul and body, and destroy the arrows of the enemy; give us unshakable peace and the forgiveness of our sins.  In the last day, deem us worthy of your longed for kingdom, along with your saints.  You are the improvement of the distressed and the deliverance of the sick, merciful Virgin:  save your sacred monastery, O peace of the embattled, calm of the tempest-tossed and only protection of the faithful.

Ode 7. 

Irmos.  The youths from Judea, having come to Babylon of old, by their faith in the Trinity trampled down the flame of the furnace, chanting, O God of our fathers, blessed are you.

Heaven and Earth proclaim the mercy of the almighty God, on account of which he gave you to us who are named after Christ as a merciful refuge amid the terrors of life and complicated diseases.

O merciful Virgin, on behalf of your flock, which honors your wholly august icon, entreat the merciful master to show us his boundless mercy, for we always glorify him.

Put an end to the agitation of the doubting thoughts of those who hymn you and grant peace to their souls, which are agitated by afflictions, O merciful Mother of God, and give us joy by your holy intercessions.

Quickly disperse our anguish by your supplications, merciful Virgin, as if it were a mere cloud; set free from the disease of cancer as many as lie abed, so that they may ever honor your divine icon.


Ode 8.

Irmos.  The king of Heaven whom the hosts of angels hymn, hymn and exalt him above all forever.

Merciful Virgin, quickly deliver those enslaved by attachment to wealth and grant them freedom of soul.

What other refuge, merciful Virgin, than yours can we gratefully find amid the dangers of life?  For we are rich in your icon.

This monastery peacefully proclaims the very great number of your miracles, merciful Virgin; ever protect it from all manner of afflictions. 

Merciful Virgin, grant victory over the passions which afflict the souls of those who venerate your divine icon with all reverence.

What other refuge, merciful Virgin, than yours can we find amid the dangers of life, who are gratefully rich in your icon?


Ode 9.

Irmos.  O Mother of God, we who have been saved through you fittingly confess you, and with the incorporeal choirs magnify you, O pure Virgin.

Pray for the whole world, merciful Virgin, and favorably receive the entreaty of our requests; grant us the solutions of our difficulties and thereby confer on us your kind favor. 

Fill your people with mercy, merciful Mother of God, for they flee to you for refuge, and overlook their sins, so that having attained to Paradise they may greatly extol you.

Very great is your favor, merciful Maiden, and boundless is the strength of your prayers which you grant to those who honor your venerable icon.

Night and day, lift up your hands to the Master, O Queen worthy of all praise, and draw down the favor of your mercy upon us.

Prevail upon the all-merciful Lord with your arms which held him as a baby, O merciful Mother, and ask for the forgiveness of our sins and offences.


Thursday, April 20, 2023


A poem by St. Gerasimos Mikragiannanitos

Troparion in Tone 4.  He who was lifted up on the Cross.
As the protector of orphans and the poor, and the trustworthy pilot of those that sail, our father, wonderworking Nicholas, deliver us from every misfortune in life and grant good health and joyful serenity of soul to those who always approach your divine temple in faith, O Hierarch.

Ode I

Irmos.  After crossing the sea as if it were dry ground and escaping the wickedness of Egypt, the Israelite cried out:  Let us sing to our redeemer and God.

Since you are with the hosts of the angels, ask, with them, O wonder-working Hierarch, for the healing of our passions and for our deliverance from the dangers of life.

By your entreaties, Father Nicholas, preserve those who approach you unscathed by all the malice of the enemy; rescue them from manifold snares, bitterness and disaster.

Because we have you as our advocate in every difficulty on the sea as our fellow sailor and defender, Father Nicholas, we are delivered from dangers by your intercession.

As a well of divine compassion, cause streams of sympathy and compassions to gush forth on me, most favored Mother of God and water my thirsty soul.


Irmos.  You covered the vault of the sky with a roof, O Lord, and built the church; confirm me in your love, O summit of desires, support of the faithful and only clement Lord.

Your fervent intercession and abundant grace anticipate those who call on your name, O Father, for you always come quickly to save those in danger on land and at sea, St. Nicholas.

Preserve us from all kinds of diseases, from difficult situations, from every despondency, grief and crisis, for we run in faith to your holy temple, St. Nicholas.

Grant us pardon, deliverance from passions and the opulent communication of divine compassions from above, as you are most sympathetic, so that we may pass our life peacefully through your fatherly goodwill, O Father.

As the refuge and help of the world, ever deliver us unscathed by the arrows of Belial, for we look from our soul to your intercession, all-immaculate Maiden.

Prayer between Odes III and IV
You have been shown to be the fervent champion and greatest protector and speedy intercessor with God for those who always run to your ardent protection.  Therefore we ever cry to you:  Grant that Christ be gracious to us.

Ode IV

Irmos.  I have heard, O Lord, the mystery of your dispensation; I have meditated on your works and glorified your divinity.

Your holy temple pours forth grace forever and mercy, holiest Nicholas, and gives joy to our souls.

By your grace, Nicholas, give comfort to those who suffer, deliverance to the afflicted and healing to those who suffer.

From every difficulty and the manifold misfortunes in life, preserve, Father, those who run to your protection.

From your womb the unapproachable sun of righteousness shone, with whose glories illumine our souls, most full of grace.

Ode V

Irmos.  Illumine us with your commandments, O Lord, and by your lofty arm grant us your peace, O merciful God.

Your many miracles have enlightened us on Earth, Father, and have chased off the darkness of the passions, and driven away the moonless night of the demons.

You were a great defender of those endangered in the world, wise Nicholas, and you offer to all your hand of assistance.

How great is your protection of us, Nicholas!  For you give help to those who call on your holy name at every hour and moment.

O Mother of God, my sweet protection, cause a living spring of the wealth of your kindness to gush on my thirsty soul.


Ode VI

Irmos.  I will pour out my supplication to the Lord and to him will I declare my afflictions, for my soul has been filled with troubles and my life has approached Hades, so like Jonah I pray:  Raise me up from death, O God.

Since we have you as a champion in life and a speedy liberator when we are in hard times, most holy and wonderworking Father, we are delivered quickly from every misfortune; wherefore we proclaim your most fervent support of us.

O wonderworker Nicholas, as our sympathetic hierarch, steer those who seek out your help from the chaotic confusion of the fortuities of life and from its terrible and violent waves, and guide them to the harbors of divine stillness.

Your bright protection is quick and salvific; wherefore, running to your holy temple with reverence, O saint, you fill us with joy and divine kindness.

Since you have borne the compassionate Word, who is the giver of mercy and has mercy on the nature of man, O Virgin, have mercy on my afflicted soul and give it the cleansing tears of true repentance.

Prayers between the 6
th and 7th odes
Preserve from all harm, Hierarch Nicholas, those who run to your intercession in faith, as you have received opulent grace from God.

The Kontakion in Tone 2.  To those of your blood.
As our most sympathetic defender and most zealous intercessor with God, do not cease to furnish your help, most holy Father, to those who need it, Nicholas, the bishop of Myra.

Wholly full of God and filled with divine compassion, O St. Nicholas, you hasten everywhere to the help of those who call on you, both on land and on sea, and you preserve those in danger; hence, we all run to your sympathy and we are delivered from difficulties, temptations, afflictions and sins by your supplications with God; wherefore we all glorify you in song, holiest Father.


Irmos.  The youths from Judea, having come to Babylon of old, by their faith in the Trinity trampled down the flame of the furnace, chanting, O God of our fathers, blessed are you.

Amid the terrible waves of misfortunes and the difficult situations in life, give us peace and guide us safely to the salvific harbor of the commandments of God, O wonderful saint.

Healing painful diseases of our souls and bodies, Nicholas, by your most prudent and immaterial visitation, appear in a spiritual manner, taking away the sorrows of our life.

We who cross the sea of life are rich in your holy temple, which is our harbor of salvation, O Hierarch; we take refuge in it and are delivered from the bitter waves of life.

Point out to me the path of salvation, O Virgin, in which I will walk; in this safely guide me to the acquisition of the virtues of perfection, so that I may obtain the life above after my death.


Irmos.  The king of Heaven whom the hosts of angels hymn, hymn and exalt him above all forever.

Having the greatest boldness with Christ, O holiest Nicholas, entreat him to grant the forgiveness of sins to those who honor you.

Your holy icon pours out streams of holiness of salvation by the divine Spirit and hallows our thoughts.

Give your blessing to those who look to you and to those who suffer grant deliverance from their pains by your protection, thrice-blessed Nicholas.

In your goodness, protect me, O Maiden, and ward off the attacks of the enemy from my humble heart, O Mother of God.


Ode IX

Irmos.  O Mother of God, we who have been saved through you fittingly confess you, and with the incorporeal choirs magnify you, O pure Virgin.

With a kindly eye, behold, O Hierarch, those who stand by your divine icon and give to them all the gifts of your protection.

Chief shepherd of Myra, being a God-bearer, you ever provide the divine fragrance of the Spirit to those who approach you in faith.

Those who approach your august temple with affection receive beyond measure the objects of their requests and sing a song of thanksgiving to you, Father.

O surpassingly pure Mary, Mother of the Most High, from the dung-hill of the passions raise me up to the heights of the virtues by a holy life. 

This canon exhibits a favorite theme of the hymnography of St. Gerasimos and probably of the hymnographers of the 20th century in general--the imagery of aridity and the solution prayed for, the gushing waters of mercy.  In English, the gushing metaphor sounds a little crude, but that doesn't mean it is in Greek as well.  I attribute this image to the fact that Greece is a very dry place, so the metaphors of the water, streams, well, dew are really meaningful to any Greek not protected by technology from the climate.  A second point worth mentioning is that St. Nicholas is a sailor's saint, so nautical allusions will always come up in a canon to him.

Ode 1
The word for “snares” [
σκανδάλον] can also mean scandals, as my esteemed editor points out.
“Advocate” attempts to render αρωγό
ς.  This word is an adjective meaning that comes to assistsalutary (Montanari).  Taken substantively (i.e., as a noun) saviordefender.  This kind of help wards off death or destruction.  The Great Scott specifies that this kind of helper defends one in court (hence advocate) but in battle is an assistant or, in Homer, a partisan.  It is possible that the best translation is savior, but that word, like salvation, has been restricted in English to a narrowly Christological sense.
Βοηθός, here rendered as “defender,” comes from βοή (battle cry) and θόος (swift).  The Great Scott gives us the radical meaning racing to the cry for help or racing to the call to arms.  Montanari suggests definitions such as bringer of helprescuerdefender.  Taken together, the picture is that of a Christian in spiritual battle—in danger of falling—he appeals urgently the saint who can rescue him immediately. 
“Difficulty” (
ανάγκη) could also be misfortune  In other contexts, physical suffering or agony are possible (Montanari).  The usual translation necessity is more appropriate in a philosophical context.
The word for “deliver” (λύτρωσαι) lit. means at root to set free from bondage by payment (Montanari, Kittel).  Kittel notes that only once in the Old Testament is redemption connected with sin (Ps. 129:8 [LXX]).  This literal meaning is extended to include saving and delivering.

Ode 3
Ιλασμόν originally meant atonementmeans of atonement (Lampe); later it came to mean pardon.  In this context, our hymnographer is not describing the work of Christ, and the reference to the passions immediately following seems to tip the scale towards the extended meaning of pardon.

Ode 4
“Deliverance to the afflicted” is an extension of the literal translation of 
θλιβομένοις την απολύτρωσιν (“redemption to the afflicted”).  The picture suggested by απολύτρωσις is that St. Nicholas frees souls held captive by their distresses.  My translation emphasizes the result of St. Nicholas’ intercessions.  To focus on the originally monetary nature of this action (as noted in Ode I) would be a misreading.  Someone once said that the fathers and hymnographers of the church exploited every metaphor possible to bring to light the main facts of our salvation.  Like true poets, however, they were not bound by the details involved in the origins of the same metaphors. 

Ode 5
“Were” is actually 
αναδέδειξαι were shown to be.  Our hymnographers will always prefer to say that a saint was shown to be this or that; they rarely say that a saint was this or that.

Ode 6
“From the waves deemed to be terrible and violent” is the most literal translation of 
δεινών τρικυμιών νοουμένων which my esteemed editor and I could surmise.  I opted to drop νοουμένων under suspicion of being a filler-word (to save the Greek melody) which adds nothing to facts of the matter and clutters up an already lengthy line.

Prayers between the 6th and 7th odes
“Most zealous” (
ετοιμότατος) might also be translated as most readypreparedhelpfuleffectiveactivewell-disposed (Montanari).
“Glorify” (
υμνούμεν—notice the monotonic accent) may also be translated as hymncelebrate in hymn (or just celebrate), extol
praise or proclaim (Montanari).



Thursday, April 13, 2023

Kontakion in Tone 8.  To the Defender.
As the life-giving Mother of Our Lord, you have been proclaimed to be loftier than the heavens, and we the faithful celebrate and magnify you.  But as you bear the streams of life of the Lord, deliver us from spiritual death, so that we may cry, “Rejoice, O Mother of our Life.”

Ikos 1
An angel, flashing like lightning, was sent to the tomb to proclaim the resurrection of all.  
Hail, Mother of our Life (3x)!
And with his bodiless voice seeing you risen, O Lord, he was amazed and began to cry these things to the Mother of God:
Hail, through whom the tombs are made new!
Hail, through whom the dead live!
Hail, who illuminates the treasuries of Hades!
Hail, who has destroyed the bars of death!
Hail, who opened the gate of Paradise!
Hail, all-pure rose of the king!
Hail, through whom Adam rises from death!
Hail, through whom mortal men are delivered from corruption!
Hail, glorious fame of the martyrs!
Hail, adornment of our race!
Hail, through whom life arose from the grave!
Hail, through whom the hearts of the faithful rejoice!
Hail, Mother of our Life!
Kontakion 2
Seeing the unimaginable glory of the Lord, those in Hades cried to him confidently, “O God and giver of life, how have you been revealed to have come here as mighty and crushed the chains of the devil?”  Crying, Alleluia.
Ikos 2
John, with Peter, seeking to know unknowable knowledge ran to the tomb when it was still dark.  And seeing only the linen-cloth lying there, they cried out with fear to the Mother of God,
Hail, bright habitation of the Comforter!
Hail, great anthem of the apostles!
Hail, gate truly impassable!
Hail, mountain and palace of the master of the universe!
Hail, for you copiously produce blossoms of purity!
Hail, for you are both Mother and Virgin!
Hail, for you embitter death! 
Hail, sweetener of the senses of the faithful!
Hail, for you destroyed the throne of death!
Hail, for you opened the doors of Paradise!
Hail, through whom the ranks of angels rejoice!
Hail, through whom the boldness of demons is annihilated!
Hail, Mother of our Life!
Kontakion 3
The power of the Most High overshadowed then the chambers of the gulfs of Hades and its dark tyrant was stripped of his weapons by the holy light of the Word, as we chant thus, Alleluia.
Ikos 3
Having the soul of the God-Man in its belly, the earth was agitated with fear.  For she was not able to contain the infinite one, not even with all her extent, and so she cried to the Mother of God,
Hail, for you clothe mortality with incorruption!
Hail, for you bestow tranquility on souls!
Hail, golden-tressed light of the everlasting light!
Hail, precious prize of the holy fathers!
Hail, beauteous splendor of the noetic sky!
Hail, all-fragrant flower and joy of the world!
Hail, horn which smashes sin!
Hail, brightener of the hearts of the faithful!
Hail, for you wash away the filth of the passions!
Hail, for you are the stream of the Spirit!
Hail, disintegration of the entanglements of the wicked!
Hail, deliverer from terrible problems!
Hail, Mother of our Life!

Kontakion 4
Having a storm within, the people of the elders all immediately sneer.  For though they could no longer cover up the wonder of wonders, they paid the soldiers sufficient silver, lest they know how to sing, Alleluia.
Ikos 4
The shepherds of the church of Christ heard of the resurrection of the Lord from the tomb.  And having believed it to be nonsense, they did not all believe the voice of the myrrh-bearing women, but when afterwards they also believed, they cried out to the Mother of God,

Hail, Virgin, consolation of the afflicted!
Hail, Mary, mercy-seat of sinners!
Hail, unfading flower and sweetness of the angels!
Hail, for you alone reveal eternal life!
Hail, for you are the return to the Paradise of the Lord!
Hail, for you made the fleece of Gideon wholly dewy!
Hail, destroyer of the power of the devil!
Hail, increase of the joy of the angels!
Hail, who reveals God in silence!
Hail, who though unsown bore the Master!
Hail, through whom Satan was mocked!
Hail, through whom life is renewed!
Hail, Mother of our Life!
Kontakion 5
The disciples of the Lord then went to Emmaus by a divine course.  And after he had travelled together with them, they recognized him again in the breaking of the bread, so that we also may sing, Alleluia.

Ikos 5
Early in the morning the myrrh-bearing women saw in the tomb a young man radiant in white garments.  And perceiving him to be an angel, although they were affected by trembling in the heart, they hastened to proclaim the glad tidings to the apostles and to cry out to the blessed Virgin,
Hail, first fruits of the eternal light!
Hail, swallow of the brightly shining day!
Hail, for you partook of the bitterness of the Cross!
Hail, for you transformed bitterness into joy!
Hail, for you alone cause the new water of life to gush forth!
Hail, who alone awakens Adam who of old was of earth!
Hail, who washes the impurity of sin!
Hail, who puts an end to the curse of Adam!
Hail, for you drive away the shapes of the demons!
Hail, for you chase off the darkness of sin!
Hail, for you are the brightness of the resurrection of all!
Hail, sweet joy of our forefather!
Hail, Mother of our Life!
Kontakion 6
The disciples, put away their former fear, became heralds of the Lord of glory and proclaimed Christ to all, abandoning the Jews as coarse, not knowing how to sing, Alleluia.

Ikos 6
Having shone the light of truth on all the world, you have banished darkness from Hades.  For the strength of death, not able to endure the divine light, has fallen, while those who have been saved from it began crying out to the Mother of God,

Hail, vessel of the unsetting light!
Hail, treasury of the graces of God!
Hail, for you cleanse the soul of its sinful stenches!
Hail, for you illuminate the vaults of the sky!
Hail, joyful consolation of the faint-hearted!
Hail, refreshment of the weary and toiling!
Hail, bulwark of our life!
Hail, city of refuge from dangers!
Hail, for you relieve us of the grief of life!
Hail, for you bring an end to sorrow of soul!
Hail, for you gave birth to the luminary of joy!
Hail, for you destroyed the sorrow of the curse!
Hail, Mother of our Life!

Kontakion 7
The Lord, desiring to renew all men with unspeakable glory, was surrendered to the tomb as mortal.  But he rose as a radiant bridegroom, wherefore we are astonished at his unutterable wisdom, crying out, Alleluia.
Ikos 7
The Creator having risen from corruption has shown our race to be a new creature.  For after rendering the might of death feeble, as was fitting, he abolished it, so that jumping for joy we may hymn the Virgin, saying,
Hail, who humbles the arrogance of the enemy!
Hail, for you destroyed the mist of terrors!
Hail, brightest star of the noetic sky!
Hail, all-fragrant flower of holy meadows!
Hail, through whom angels mingle with men!
Hail, through whom the timeless one eats with mortals!
Hail, book divinely written by the Master and God!
Hail, tablet enrolling the throng of the saved!
Hail, who leads us from death to life!
Hail, who lifts the curse of the first-created!
Hail, star of the kingdom of Christ!
Hail, brilliance of eternal life!
Hail, Mother of our Life!
Kontakion 8
Having seen a strange wonder, let us become alien to all filth and every sin and defilement.  For the impassible God for this reason appeared on Earth as a passible man, desiring to raise with himself those who cry with joy, Alleluia.

Ikos 8
The Word before time was in the tomb but not at all absent from Heaven.  And having opened the way to the grateful thief to Paradise, you taught him to sing to the Mother of God,
Hail, dove and nurse of purity!
Hail, unceasing hymn of Christians!
Hail, protector of wandering life from cliffs!
Hail, dawning joy of the coming age!
Hail, who blesses the journeys of our life!
Hail, who does away with the evils of the passions of the soul!
Hail, for you struck the power of death with a mortal blow!
Hail, for you plundered the power of Hades!
Hail, ark of the church of Christ!
Hail, spotless glory of monastic leaders!
Hail, who bore God as a baby!
Hail, who rescues us from misfortunes!
Hail, Mother of our Life!

Kontakion 9
The whole multitude of angels is amazed at the great work of your resurrection.  For they saw the unsetting sun of life in the tomb as one dead and making us alive, but accepting the hymn from all, Alleluia.
Ikos 9
We see the lying orators utterly against you, O God the Word, for they at a loss to say how you, if you are God, suffered as a man, but we marvel at your compassion and cry to your mother,

Hail, through whom the glory of the Lord has arisen!
Hail, through whom the assemblies of angels dance!
Hail, who has bound fast the power of the demons!
Hail, who advances the victory of the kingdom!
Hail, who alone has dried up the river of temptations!
Hail, unfailing shower of paternal gifts!
Hail, who alone dissolved the curse of the first-created!
Hail, who has cancelled the penalties due to the repentant!
Hail, treasury of the unapproachable light!
Hail, tablet depicting the invisible God!
Hail, proclamation of the prophet and forerunner!
Hail, boast of King David!
Hail, Mother of our Life!

Kontakion 10
Wishing to save the race of men, he rises on the third day for this purpose.  And being lifeless as one dead he rose for our sake as the cause of joy, granting life to all those who cry, Alleluia.
Ikos 10
You are a wall protecting those who hymn the measureless multitude of your favors.  For he who came forth from your womb has shone upon us bodily from the tomb and has taught all men to cry to you,
Hail, through whom the tyranny of the enemy has been overturned!
Hail, through whom the strength of death has been destroyed!
Hail, golden jar containing the divine manna!
Hail, tree of life, producing fragrant fruits!
Hail, perfect joy of the heavenly bridal chamber!
Hail, holy cessation of horrible wickedness!
Hail, Mary, standing alone on the moon!
Hail, for you cure the madness of sin!
Hail, crown of eternal life!
Hail, bulwark of the church of Christ!
Hail, through whom gush forth desirable things!
Hail, through whom sorrows are calmed!
Hail, Mother of our Life!
Kontakion 11
A hymn of mortals does not suffice to celebrate your holy glory.  For should we offer you odes equal in number to the drops of rain, O risen Lord, we would accomplish nothing worthy of what you have done for us who cry to you, Alleluia.
Ikos 11
We see the august Mother of God as the brilliantly radiant Virgin and song of the angels.  He who before was bodiless was incarnate of her, set free the prisoners of Hades and caused light to dawn upon all the blind so that we may cry out to her such things as these:

Hail, for you destroy the insolence of the evil one!
Hail, for you shine with the light of the king!
Hail, secure defense against infirmities!
Hail, healing of all kinds of diseases!
Hail, producer of corn in due season!
Hail, spring of gifts of the merciful Lord!
Hail, for you plait the wedding crowns of couples!
Hail, for you protect the journeys of ships!
Hail, who enervates the assaults of the passions!
Hail, who renders the plots of the demons vain!
Hail, victory of the heavenly ranks!
Hail, lamentation of the fallen demons!
Hail, Mother of our Life!

Kontakion 12
Desiring to grant men generous grace, the giver of life of men was permitted to dwell in a tomb as one dead, so that he might liberate us from corruption who cry, Alleluia.

Ikos 12
Hymning your son as one who was received as a guest in the tomb, we celebrate in song his resurrection, for having dwelt in your womb, who is the breath of all, he has purified, illumined and taught us to cry to you the following things:
Hail, unfading crown of glory!
Hail, twelve-walled city of the Lord!
Hail, for you abolished the sting of sin!
Hail, who renewed the race of men!
Hail, for you trampled on the head of the evil one!
Hail, who prepared grief for the swarms of the demons.
Hail, only strong defense of Christians!
Hail, laborious difficulty of unbelievers!
Hail, manifestation of our salvation!
Hail, guarantee of our regeneration!
Hail, for you give forth roses and lilies!
Hail, for you are redolent of the Paschal spring!
Hail, Mother of our Life!
Kontakion 13
O all-immaculate Mother, who bore the bestower of the life of all and master!
Hail, Mother of our Life (3x)!
Having received this offering from all, save us all from misfortunes and deem them worthy of the coming resurrection who cry to you, Alleluia.
This akathist definitely presents some challenges, most of which have been glossed over.  However, the layout is unmistakably different from the usual.  I have added the indications of kontakion and ikos throughout the text to make it easier for Anglophone Orthodox Christians to follow.  In the future I hope to find a cleaner copy which will enable me to present this translation with more confidence.  This is nevertheless the perfect akathist for Bright Week.  Please note that when an akathist is said, Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1 in that order conclude it (but not the whole service).

Ikos 1 … “opened”:  my verbal circumlocution sounds better than knocker (όπτρον).
Ikos 2 … “senses”:  ασθήσεις.  Or perceptions; even (as suggested by my editor) sense-perceptions.
Kontakion 3 … “stripped”:  This word (σκυλεύθη) means that an enemy has been slain and his weapons taken from him.  I added “of his weapons” to clarify the military nature of this verb in English.  The same verb is used the Resurrection Troparion of the fourth tone, where it is usually and unhelpfully translated as despoiled.  

Canon to St. George the Victorious (Bishop of Argyroupolis, Seraphim of Byzantium)

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