Sunday, February 4, 2024

Akathist Hymn to St. Nektarios the Wonderworker, Bishop of Pentapolis by St. Gerasimos, monk of Little St. Anne Skete.

Kontakion in Tone 8.  To the champion.
With joyful hearts let us celebrate in song the newly shining star of Orthodoxy and new-built bulwark of the church; for having been glorified by the operation of the Spirit, he gushes forth a bounteous grace of healings for all who cry, Hail, Father Nektarios.

Ikos 1
You were revealed to be a heavenly-minded man in the world, hierarch of Christ, Nektarios; for having completed your holy life, you were pure, holy and inspired in all things, hence you hear us sing:

Hail, by whom the faithful are exalted;
hail, by whom our enemies are alarmed.
Hail, gold-wrought goblet of wisdom;
hail, newly-raised storm against evil.
Hail, most holy shrine of divine activity;
hail, book of the new way of life, bearing the image of God.
Hail, for you vied fairly with the saints;
hail, for you prudently distanced yourself from matter.
Hail, bright monument of the faith;
hail, august instrument of grace.
Hail, for whose sake the church dances;
hail, for whose sake the island of Aegina rejoices.
Hail, Father Nektarios.

Kontakion 2
With a gaze of understanding, even while you were a youth, you examined the divine ray by which you were illumined in your soul, and you chose to walk by the light of the divine commandments, O saint, chanting since youth, Alleluia.

Ikos 2
You were in the city of Constantine, O godly minded one, guided by divine fear, and, attending to the loftier things, you were full of divine understanding, gladdening by your words those who cry out these things:

Hail, branch of incorruption;
hail, nectar of immortality.
Hail, inspired servant of the Savior;
hail, who lived in the same manner as the fathers of old.
Hail, newly woven wreath of the august church.
Hail, for you appeared as a freshly plucked rose;
hail, for you were shown to be a gift acceptable to God.
Hail, new star of the faith;
hail, lantern of the glory of the Creator.
Hail, treasury of heavenly conduct;
hail, august model of the virtues.
Hail, Father Nektarios.

Kontakion 3
You fervently longed for the glory which belongs to wisdom and searched it out from youth, praying with warm tears to Christ that you attain to your most noble desire.  Having attained to your desire, Nektarios, you faithfully cried, Alleluia.

Ikos 3 
Having gladdened your soul by the acquisition of instructions, as of old the fathers Basil and Gregory did, you were a student in Athens, O Nektarios; wherefore we, delighted by your gifts, cry out to you: 

Hail, son of the heavenly light;
hail, pleasant tree of piety.
Hail, stronger than the deceit of the world;
hail, inspired by participation in that which is mightier.
Hail, divinely inspired mind, full of divine reflections;
hail, coal of the Divine Spirit, spiritual fire of intangible things.
Hail, for you finished your life blamelessly; 
hail, for you unravel the deceit of Belial.
Hail, who received the love of Christ;
hail, who bore the flowering of blessings.
Hail, new-built wall for the defense of the faithful;
hail, most critical missile launched at the enemy.
Hail, Father Nektarios.

Kontakion 4
With divine zeal, O godly minded among the holy fathers, you longed for the angelic life; you were clothed sacredly in Chios in the heavenly schema of the monks, and you stripped the enemy to the skin when you always chanted to the Lord, Alleluia.

Ikos 4
The Master heard your prayer from on high when you cried to him with all your heart, and he gave an order to the sea and the storm turned into a breeze, O saint, and everyone who was saved was amazed and cried faithfully:

Hail, divine servant of God;
hail, fountain of manifold miracles.
Hail, newly shining luminary of the church;
hail, equal in honor to all the saints.
Hail, precious vessel of heavenly gifts;
hail, garden sprouting afresh with blessed virtues.
Hail, for you lull to sleep the rolling of the sea;
hail, for you expose all evil with a word.
Hail, new elect member of Christ;
hail, field of holy manners.
Hail, disciple of the holy life;
hail, awarder of heavenly joy.
Hail, Father Nektarios.

Kontakion 5
You were revealed by your holy life to be marvelous in the last days, O Hierarch. Having manifestly displayed the life of the saints of old in your ways and having been glorified by miracles, you save from dangers those who cry, Alleluia.

Ikos 5
Divinely inspired Hierarch, determined by a divinely made election, you were truly revealed in Egypt, and you were seen to be a divine shepherd of Pentapolis in accordance with the great Paul; wherefore the faithful were amazed at your way of life, crying out: 

Hail, for you were inspired in your way of life;
hail, our model by your piety.
Hail, equal of the holy fathers;
hail, new ornament of the priests.
Hail, tabernacle of meekness and treasury of love;
hail, generous giver of cheerfulness and mercy.
Hail, for you were the splendor of the church;
hail, for you are the cheerfulness of the pious.
Hail, icon of the noblest conduct;
hail, who certainly attained to theosis.
Hail, standard of the high priesthood;
hail, lantern of divine doctrine.
Hail, Father Nektarios.

Kontakion 6
You were seen to be an adornment of the church in Egypt, as a worker of the gospel; therefore, the choirs of the faithful, having acquired you as a divine teacher, Father, were educated in the matters of religion, crying out with you to the Lord, Alleluia.

Ikos 6
Having shone in Greece as another apostle, you illumine the hearts of the pious with the splendor of your divine instructions and with the rays of your life, O saint; wherefore we, guided by your brightness, cry out:

Hail, star of the church;
hail, trumpet of the truth.
Hail, who acquired the zeal of the apostles;
hail, who received the grace of healings.
Hail, most inspired orator of the words of life;
hail, wise teacher of the word of grace.
Hail, for you cleanse us of afflictions of soul;
hail, for you put in order the desires of our hearts.
Hail, great teacher of the faithful;
hail, best initiate of Christ.
Hail, for you endured many trials;
hail, for you led souls to God.
Hail, Father Nektarios.

Kontakion 7
Great among the hierarchs and wise teachers, you appeared as an initiate of humility; wherefore you bequeathed to the church as a paternal inheritance your divinely written books, O saint; faithfully delighting in which we cry to him who has glorified you, Alleluia.

Ikos 7
Like a spiritual cloud, you have poured a nectar of righteousness and pure water of the divine life on us in our spiritual drought, O godly minded one, gladdening our souls and rousing us to cry to you:  

Hail, dew of joy;
hail, fresh air of incorruption.
Hail, who gushed forth the water of grace;
hail, who stopped the mouth of the serpent;
Hail, springtime of holiness in the spiritual winter.
Hail, newly flashing brightness in the terrible darkness.
Hail, for you confound the thoughts of the impious;
hail, for you gladden the hearts of the pious.
Hail, support of the Orthodox peoples;
hail, crushing of many unorthodox.
Hail, fall of choirs of babblers;
hail, strengthening of many weak people.
Hail, Father Nektarios.

Kontakion 8
Your casket, Father, pours forth astonishing miracles and saves those who suffer amid difficulties; therefore, men stream together from all over to your holy monastery, and they acquire healing and deliverance from you, crying, Alleluia.

Ikos 8
You have revealed your divine monastery on the island of Aegina to be a waveless harbor, O Father, and you have been called a wise pilot of reverent nuns therein, for you have wisely guided to Christ those who cried:

Hail, heart of divine asceticism;
hail, adamant of perseverance.
Hail, animate image of humility;
hail, divine treasury of purity.
Hail, mirror of detachment and brilliance of purity;
hail, temple of continence and treasury of virtues.
Hail, for you managed your monastery in God;
hail, for you furnish to all your help.
Hail, bright guardian of Aegina;
hail, prompt protector of the faithful.
Hail, who have rescued many from dangers;
hail, for you have pulled down the arrogance of the enemy.
Hail, Father Nektarios.

Kontakion 9
The casket of your relics is full of divine grace and heavenly fragrance, on account of which not only your monastery but also all Aegina is radiant with joy, and all men are hallowed by their grace, crying out, Alleluia.

Ikos 9
Your venerable bones ever pour forth divine streams, which impart opulent, heavenly gifts of many healings, and they wash away the wretchedness of diseases; wherefore, amazed at the glory which you found, we cry:

Hail, stream of healings;
hail, abolition of sickness.
Hail, who when summoned hastens everywhere;
hail, who appears both by day and by night.
Hail, copiously flowing spring of paternal sympathy;
hail, sweetest bunch of grapes of spiritual joy.
Hail, for you put an end to the difficult suffering of cancer;
hail, for you humble the arrogance of demons.
Hail, embarrassment of the vainly wise;
hail, unbreakable bond of the faithful.
Hail, by whom hierarchs are adorned;
hail, by whom prattlers are put to flight.
Hail, Father Nektarios.

Kontakion 10
Every faithful Christian calls you his protection and patron, having obtained help from you, for who has called on you piously and not obtained your grace, Father?  For you very quickly grant to all their requests when they cry, Alleluia.

Ikos 10
Your voice, God-bearer, has gone forth into all creation, for you quickly appear to people far and near and help them, O Saint; you save those in dangers, and you protect those who cry:

Hail, great with your miracles;
hail, glorious among the saints.
Hail, who in our times confirmed the ancient ways;
hail, sharer of the crown of the ancient fathers.
Hail, triumph of faith and defense of the pious;
hail, manifestation of grace and consternation of the impious.
Hail, for you exhibit the glory of truth;
hail, for you stop the mouth of iniquity.
Hail, joy and strength of the faithful;
hail, support of storm-tossed souls.
Hail, by whom Christ was glorified;
hail, by whom Satan was put to shame.
Hail, Father Nektarios.

Kontakion 11
We sing to you a hymn of thanksgiving, Father, for we have been saved by your protections; for in every misfortune, you deliver us from sudden afflictions; wherefore we proclaim to Christ your protection, crying, Alleluia.

Ikos 11
You burn the dry sticks of the madness of the demons with the fire of your holy miracles and quickly bringing help to the faithful, you quench the burning heat of grave diseases, healing the suffering who cry to you with compunction:

Hail, strength of the sick;
hail, deliverance of demoniacs.
Hail, perfect deliverance of the fever-stricken;
hail, speedy restoration of the fallen.
Hail, for you cause water to burst forth plentifully in the well;
hail, for you have blessed Aegina with your prayers.
Hail, who revealed the compassion of God;
hail, fountain gushing forth grace;
hail, beacon shining on all.
Hail, director of your revered monastery;
hail, defender of all who hymn you.
Hail, Father Nektarios.

Kontakion 12
The grace of the Comforter has been poured out lavishly on the casket of your sacred relics; wherefore as an ever-flowing fountain you gush forth healings unceasingly, and you refresh with divine streams those who cry out, Alleluia.

Ikos 12
From above, look attentively upon us who chant harmoniously the thrice-holy hymn to God with the choirs of angels, and, all-holy saint, grant the requests of those who run to you with faith and never cease to cry to you:

Hail, offspring of Silyvria;
hail, glory of the church.
Hail, the greatest boast of Aegina;
hail, ornament of all Greece.
Hail, image and model of sacred hierarchs;
hail, protection and preservation of the reverent monks.
Hail, new morning star of the church;
hail, God-given strength of piety.
Hail, through whom I will be cleansed of passions;
hail, through whom I will be brought to God.
Hail, patron of the faithful in all things;
hail, intercessor also on my behalf with the Creator.
Hail, Father Nektarios.

Kontakion 13
O divine Father, splendor of the Orthodox, Nektarios, hierarch of Christ, standing before the throne of the Lord, ask for us the forgiveness of our sins, and grant us your divine defense, so that we may cry to the Savior, Alleluia.

And again the Prooimion in the 8th tone, To the champion.
Let us hymn the newly shining star and newly built bulwark of the church with joy of heart, for he, having been glorified by the operation of the Spirit, pours forth a bounteous kindness upon all who cry, Hail, Father Nektarios.
Source:  This akathist is found on several sites on the Internet, including  
The title of this akathist in Greek is “Salutations of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis, the Wonderworker, [consisting of] twenty-four ikoi to our father among the saints, Nektarios.”  I went with the Anglophone convention.  I thank Zoilus for proofing the Greek and I thank Aeteia, my lawfully wedded, for proofing the English.  Any errors surviving their ministrations are purely my own. 

Ikos 1. 
You were revealed to be a heavenly minded man in the world, hierarch of Christ, Nektarios (thrice) is how the ikos starts off.  I have dropped thrice as I have never seen that before.
Throughout each ikos, “hail” is invariably cast in the present imperative singular (χαίρε) until the last one, when it is cast in the present optative (χαίροις).  The reason for using the optative is not clear.  The present optative is regarded as a more polite form than the imperative, which explains nothing.
“By whom” and “for whose sake” (δι΄ ου).  Scholars are all over the place.  Montanari lists the constructions of διά + gen. as manner, means and agent (esp. "through").  Great Scott emphasizes causality ("by").  None of these seem quite appropriate.  “Through whom the church dances”?  “By whom the church dances”?  “In whom the church dances”?  “With whom the church dances”?  

Kittel offers the gen. of cause (by means ofwiththrough) and gen. of person (through the mediation of).  Among causal translations he includes as denoting cause in consequence ofon the basis ofon account of and as denoting author fromfor the sake of.  (I believe that author is not in our sense of writer of a book but instigator of an action.)
Lampe has “because of,” which grows naturally out of the instrumental/causal constructions and conforms to modern Greek usage.  
He cites Didymus the Blind (4th century).  In the NT we find it being so used in Luke (δι τ λέγεσθαι "because it was said" [9:7]).  Since the modern hymnographers often hide modern Greek definitions behind Classical words, and, especially since no strictly Classical translation makes any sense, I have opted to cast my vote for the modern Greek definition.  

We may now see that δι εχν may be rendered as "through the prayers" (instrumental), "for the sake of the prayers" (cause) and even "by the prayers" (cause, tending towards instrument), depending on which shade of meaning we wish to highlight in English.  

"Goblet" (κρατήρ).  Or mixing bowl.  In the ancient world, it is said that only wine-bibbers drank their wine undiluted by water, so a mixing bowl was used watering down the wine.

Ikos 3

“Manifestly” (σαφώς):  omitted.  The reader may include it between “were” and “a student.” 
“That which is mightier” (
του κρείττονος).  Not sure about this.  Could be “Providence” or “the Almighty.”
“You entreated” (ικετεύεις).  Not sure why ικετεύεις is in the present when all the other verbs are in the past.
“Finished” (διανύεις).  Not sure why the present tense is used to refer to a past event. 

Ikos 5
“Disciple” (
θιασώτης).  According to Montanari, member of a (Bacchic) sacred bandworshipperfollowerdisciple.  Lampe includes member of a company.

Kontakion 6
Τα κρείττω is according to Great Scott equivalent to τ θεα (matters of religion).

Ikos 7
“Babblers” (
κενολόγων) or empty talkers.  Or talking nonsense (Montanari).  Prattlers?  Gabblers?  Our synonyms tend to have at least faintly comical notes, even if they are current. 
“Are” (τελούντας).  Stephanos includes sum as a definition of τελέω, citing Tzetzes.  Another example of how Pindarizing hymnographers work around the substantive verb.
Ikos 8
“On account of which” (εν οίς).  I have taken a clue from Muraoka’s definitions.
Ikos 9
I thank Zoilus for his help with this line.
Ikos 10
“The ancient ways” (το πρόπαλαι).  Should be “antiquity” or similar, but that is too vague.  Cf. German das Alte ("ancient customs").
Ikos 11.
“You cause water” (ύδωρ βρύεις).  Sounds strange in the present.  In the hymn, at least two other present-tense verbs are used where some past tense is clearly called for.  Does St. Gerasimos know of a well or fountain that the saint caused to gush forth water? 
Ikos 12
“Also” (καμού).  Or even.

Kontakion 13
“Ask” (
αίτει).  Normally ask.  However, it makes no sense for St. Nektarios to ask the Lord to give us St. Nektarios’ defense, so I added “grant” in order for the second direct object to make sense.  The literalist may say, “Ask for us the forgiveness of our sins and your divine defense.” 


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